The waning power of galleries
At last count there were 62 galleries or pseudo-galleries operating in and around Christchurch. There is more, but is is perhaps less. The power of galleries in the 1970s has waned, and they remain, at best, merely one shaft in a quiver artists draw upon.
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Mel Gibson's passion for The Passion
How ironic that when one movie producer takes artistic license with historical events, he is lionised as artistic, creative and brilliant, but when another takes special care to be true to the real-life story, he is vilified...
Peter Rae
The director of Peter Rae Galleries in Dunedin comments on the role and power of galleries today.
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Drawing on Claire Beynon
This Dunedin artist and poet talks about the links between drawing and poetry and between the land and the spiritual.
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Drawing within: art as therapy
Creative therapist Glenda Deed offers a professional creative approach to therapy that allows people the freedom to explore personal issues in ways other than talking...
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The pre-Raphaelite dream
Touring exhibition at the Dunedin public art gallery
Open for temptation: The eyes (i's) have it
Colossal installation by Peter and Joyce Majendie at St Marys Merivale, Christchurch
Working Voices
Poetry by Eric Mould and John O'Connor
Under the knife
Jessica Crothall at the Left Bank Gallery, Greymouth